Tuesday, November 1, 2016

How to Remove "Record Type" from Chatter Profiles?

If a custom object have one or more record types and associated to chatter profiles. Now, if you want to remove record type(s) from chatter profile then you can not remove as can remove from other profiles. So, we can achieve this by doing URL hacking as shown below.

https://xxx.salesforce.com/setup/ui/profilerecordtypeedit.jsp?id={Profile ID}&tid={Custom Object ID}&pn={Profile Name}

xxx : Server name[Exp: ap1,na2,cs3,etc...] or Domain name.

{Profile ID} : ID of profile from which you want to remove record type.
{Custom Object ID} : ID of object of record type.
{Profile Name} : Name of profile from which you want to remove record type.

--- Thank you for referring the post ---

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was able to solve this issue. Please check the blog post below
