Wednesday, November 2, 2016

How to "Skip Record Type Selection Page" on overridden "New" button of object

If an object(Standard/Custom) have multiple record types and "New" button has overridden by Visualforce Page then we can
1. Check "Skip Record Type Selection Page" checkbox if you do not want to redirect user to record type selection page.
2. Uncheck "Skip Record Type Selection Page" checkbox if you want to redirect user to record type selection page.

For Standard object navigation: Setup ----> Build  ---> Customize ---> Object name ---> Buttons, Links and Actions ---> Click Edit link next to "New".

For Custom object navigation: Setup ----> Build  ---> Create ---> Objects ---> Object name ---> Buttons, Links and Actions ---> Click Edit link next to "New".

  • We can not in-active the record type if it is default record type for any profile.
  • We can not delete the record type if it is active.
  • We can not select "Master" record type if any other record type(s) already selected.
--- Thank you for referring the post ---


  1. This does not seem to work when we override the button with lightning component

  2. i have this requirement but couldnt get solution
